Posted by Unknown Saturday, July 20, 2013

After the founding Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, role play using the Mario universe is split into two branches. Confined to home consoles until the arrival of Star Sticker, the Paper Mario has always relied on his visual ideas and humor to seduce, while slipping some unusual mechanical every time. On phones, Mario and Luigi has always preferred to focus on the gameplay ideas and dexterity, without depriving themselves of jokes and graphics findings by time. Dream Team Bros. he will also be the exception?


Almost everyone knows that nothing beats a nap for a fresh start, even among plumbers. This is why Luigi does not pray to crush a nap at the first opportunity in his latest adventure in tandem, sold to the database as a single stay of relaxation in the island paradise of dreamers belonging to Doctor Coltard narcoleptic. Once in the arms of Morpheus with his head on a pillow funny, green anti-hero turns out to be the key to access a dreamlike realm where Mario and other characters are sure to rush before realizing that the creatures all but well-intentioned can also escape. To make it short, Mario and his brother are going to save the people of Koussinos petrified, with the passage of sticks in the wings Antasma a sneaky big bat that does not stop saying "fiiiiii". Subsequently, let the players care to discover for themselves, stating only that if one seeks searched with intrigues crazy scenario, it is not at the door it will hit.

Like most titles supervised by Nintendo, the script goes to the background, which does not prevent the game from being horribly talkative and very strangely unconvincing in his attempts to literary humor. The translation is yet exemplary, with character names (Tédibert Pink Bloc Musculobaf) well found, as well as levels of language and expressions used skillfully, but it is only the tip of an iceberg cumbersome and didacticism outrageous. Any new area, figure or action is subject to cumbersome explanations, half the time not to zap of a sudden, even when already guess what is going to tell us or teach us. The disease now terribly widespread, especially in the RPG genre and its affiliates may, however, be easily cured by a simple choice "experienced player" in the early game, but we believe that developers do not trust the clear interface and experimentation of their oldest public building. We will therefore need all (or most) of the adventure with non-playable characters that you regularly take an idiot, while the gameplay of this episode is probably the most sought after series.


Always based on a clever alchemy between platform and RPG Dream Team Bros. contains all the strings of previous games but still manages to surprise with new ideas or admirable to divert the old facility. Exploration aerial view slightly biased now gives way during forays into the world of dreams, a more conventional horizontal scrolling but also more conducive to the metamorphoses of Luigi. Oniluigi renamed for the occasion, it does not become a thug like Onilink in Majora's Mask but still gaining the ability to expand or merge with floating faces clearly indicated. Once osmosis, may for example take the whiskers true Luigi asleep on the touch screen to catch Mario and propel tickle his big nose to trigger a sneeze that makes decorative elements to the foreground or run the air mattress on which it is coated to change the direction of gravity. The power of multiplication can also create a tower, or an inverted pyramid ball Luigi each having two distinct powers, awarded as the majority of shares in the A and B buttons

We do not spoil all uses of these grouped courses, but you know they are always funny to discover and well thought out. The dreamlike skills funky brother are also included in the fighting, whether in normal attacks multiplied or special moves to unlock, with puzzle pieces to find, knowing that they are quite simply shown on the location map ... Each "Luimagik" attack works in a different way, usually with a single button and a good timing, even if the first attack - a ball recalling Katamari Damacy - uses the gyroscope of 3DS. The touch is also involved in certain situations, especially when Luigi turns green giant needs a boss fight with a holding bracket to the vertical as in titanic clashes Journey to the Center of Bowser. More advanced, these great battles enjoy a superb staging and a nice achievement in true 3D, where the rest of the game works through excellently animated sprites. The hammer and jumps have only more impact, while knockouts are simply pleasurable, without sacrificing the tactical combat and dynamic dimension.


The fight and progression within dreams is the main novelty of Dream Team Bros., Which does not prevent him from offering things to the "real" world. The usual actions such as jumping, spinning or burial and the narrowing of Mario with the hammer still to go, the same way that special blocks armored parts and objects. Sometimes you have to team up with other characters to open a path on the map, use machines synchronized tandem or use plumbers brothers as a human drill at specific locations, but I must admit that the extensive markup course leaves almost no room for real secrets. Even ancillary challenges are very accessible and therefore uninteresting. Again, the fear of losing players path leads to too framed adventure where no mystery that remains for players with a brain, which sometimes have the unpleasant impression of following a tutorial endless. The few difficulties lie in fighting against unknown enemies, when we do not yet know well avoid or counter their attacks usually pitiless gauge hearts. Being able to start any fight lost immediately and without guarantee however can quickly decipher the movements of opponents, the less gifted can even activate easy mode which makes attacks much more powerful brothers mustache until end of the fight.

The number of bonus stats, equipment, parts, useful items recovered following the main path just enough also largely to cope with rare peaks of difficulty of the game, well oiled enough for everyone to enter without force. Even the art direction too often opts for safety, especially in the dream sequences and even a charming achievement if you appreciate the small effect "Silicon Graphics" applied to the characters. Mimicry of Mario and Luigi are the most beautiful effect without the other protagonists and enemies are left at the animation. The situation is the same for the sound effects and music, not crazy but still effective, with special reference to the theme of boss battles. In the end and as often with Nintendo recent years, we are left with a good game calibrated to win the hearts of casual players, but slightly lack of rhythm and personality to truly mark the veterans home.


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