Posted by Unknown Saturday, July 20, 2013

If Nintendo intends to make 2013 the year of Luigi, it does not mean forgetting other home licenses. Latest to return to the front of the scene: Mario vs. Donkey Kong, a mixture of plates-formes/réflexion born on Game Boy Advance. The series welcomes Mario & Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move, a fifth episode where everyone is team always developed by NST and only available on the 3DS eShop. The changes are drastic enough to lose some fans along the way?

Where previous games offered an overall motivation screenplay (by removing Pauline Donkey Kong), Minis on the Move gets rid of any background as light as he can be. But the change, they are also found especially in the gameplay. More battle between Mario Donkey then, but an alliance between mascots as evidenced by the title of the game

Abandoned handling the Lemmings and side platforms pronounced. Here we will simply solve puzzles that are reminiscent of Pipe Mania. The main mode is divided into four sections, related to characters from the brand represented in the form of toys. Mario opens the show with "Forward Mario", a mode where the player must manage tiles falling in Tetris, the goal is to create a path for the controller from point A to point B. You can not slow the fall of the tiles, but it is possible to bring it down faster and store up to five. Of course, the difficult paths over the 60 environments available with various settings that enrich the formula route: bomb to get rid of a tile already laid, use and creation of garbage blocks to the vacuum and get a tile bonus, key to recover the way, making loops to save time, etc.. All modes are played on the touchpad while the top screen displays the action, the player can rotate the camera if necessary through the gates.


Princess Peach is in the spotlight in fashion "Castle blocks", where the number of tiles is pre-defined. We must therefore consider their arrangement before placing them on the tray. In all, there are 60 new levels need to be controlled, the increasing complexity is making faster feel than in pictures of Mario. Toad the world, called "Mini-mixed", is the first (only?) To recall the recipe of yesteryear, as multiple controllers are balanced on the playground together. As in other Mario vs. Donkey Kong, bringing the characters to safely chain gives extra points. This mode consists of 50 courses seems more random than the first two, because the path taken by toys reassigning the tiles needed is constantly changing. It is therefore based more on pure and adaptability player reflexes on its ability to anticipate. Finally, Donkey Kong inherits mode perhaps less exciting: "Giant Jungle." Again, not really the time to think ahead: the playground is huge and we must also think about moving the camera during the game not to be fooled by a trap or enemy. Through three stages, our simian friend must collect stars and bonus time if he wants to reach the exit end.

To pause between two puzzles, one can take a ride in the mini-games section that stuff as stars are accumulating in the main modes. Different tactile challenges, each consisting of tests more difficult. Thus, "Lance-minis" is to send robots to targets more or less distant to reach those that are worth more points and make combos inflating the score. In "Fishing helicopters," a sort of hook into the air to grab on balance of Maskass, then our virtual fishing rod on churns to get the points that go along with the color of the character dug. "Break cubes" can launch mini Mario on cubic assemblies in order to explode in the time to move to the next geometry. Finally, in "Lift Station" is rotated not towels but way ōendan roulette, which rise more or less a mini plumber supposed to collect coins while avoiding enemies. All remain friendly, but not enough to spend hours either.


There is also a level editor relatively well thought out in terms of ergonomics. A sub-menu allows you to select the most popular creations, top rated of the week, those of friends or other randomly chosen. As for the purely creative aspect, nothing more simple and intuitive. Tiles and / or enemies that you want is selected, then the agency will, trying to leisure and changing his masterpiece before putting it online. A scoring system was then set up and you can claim the best seats among the community - already large enough for this type of game - if the creation deserves. Note that it is possible to save up to 100 creations.

A word to conclude on the graphic style and the soundscape. The realization in three dimensions is not unpleasant if not sensational and the 3D effect is significant, even if some fans will benefit. In fact, we spent most of the time riveted on the touch screen. As the sounds of the characters, they can annoy by their redundancy or nasally Pauline, for example. Fully translated into French, the title offers a soundtrack without surprises with themes already heard thousands of times. Finally, life is honest, collect three pieces of star level by asking a lot of thinking in the last stages. Too bad, however, that the award is not up to the effort, experts are few levels. Remains a collection of mini-toy watch and polish as a bonus. Hmm.


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