Posted by Unknown Saturday, July 20, 2013

We were expecting a real new Mario from the geniuses of EAD Tokyo, but will settle for a derivative of Super Mario 3D Land on the Wii U, with multiplayer to date. Freshly announced this afternoon at the Nintendo Direct, Super Mario 3D World has left close by me one day in advance, the time of two small levels with three partners. If innovation does not jump at all in the eyes, the bottom seemed solid with some fun surprises.

While the dog seems to have taken the bull by the horns in the video game lately, Nintendo put on a cat suit for the next 3D Mario. Catching a golden bell, the four playable characters - Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad - acquire feline abilities as practical as the walls and climb the pole end of the level, running at top speed, the claws or 'swoop. We feel that this place will delight and pleasure speedrunners followers of mignonneries players, but it will be to use it in more than one level to appreciate its full potential. The same applies to the significant return of specific character features: Floating Peach, Toad quick race or lunar leaps Luigi in Super Mario Bros. line. 2, have yet to prove their usefulness in a better sample courses. The demo actually made available a selection of five levels, but only two of them were playable at the pre-E3 presentation with a big ten minutes for maximum benefit.


The first course, close to some green cross training in 3D Land, was really office setting didactic mouth cat costume. The second, built around a network of transparent multi-branch pipe, asked a little more skill to not end up right in a sharp enemy or in a hole. We also discovered a bonus level with a pirahna plant pot he had to wear to make her eat a lot of enemies, like the Yoshis in Super Mario World. According to the tradition initiated by New Super Mario Bros.. Wii, we did not lose life as a player was operational to catch its partners trapped in bubbles. The immediate advantage of the third dimension: you bump a little less often comrades during jumps, but they are also a little more complicated to estimate if it is usual gaming platform 2D. Just knowing that other players press a button to join a single player game already started, the less gifted will need to keep a Wiimote in hand. However, the touch screen GamePad only served to stun enemies and / or play a nomadic.

Moderately effective but innovative, especially if you were expecting a reinvention of the 3D game platform, Super Mario 3D World is pretty slick - in every sense - in terms of production and art direction. It is simple, much like the episode 3DS, but with a less cramped camera, slightly larger levels and display in HD on a big screen. The music is also in line "correct but without" the last album released, if we rely on what we have heard. It is always better than nothing, if not surprised. There will be no need to wait too long to see this landing area next Mario, Nintendo planning to release it for the month of December 2013.


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