Plant Mario In My Room.

Posted by Unknown Saturday, July 20, 2013

Young, I often dreamed of a small garden with pretty flowers and a decorated with beautiful plants inside. Only this time, I thought that watering this little world was a breeze. Nay. I'm that girl can not keep a plant alive, because I'll forget or too much water. I even killed an innocent cactus did not ask ...

Not having inherited a green thumb from my dad and wishing still have a few green plants at home, I took out my beads Hama and was inspired by the plants we see in Mario (again, oops!).

For this you need: pearls board - a support plate - parchment paper - irons - flower pots - foam / balls / earth (or other).

The first step is to reproduce the plants we see in Mario (cactus, carnivorous plant, fire flower, etc..) Using beads. There are many models on the Internet if you do not feel right to reproduce the plant from an image or photo. The key words "Bead pattern" should help you (examples: here and there).

To enable our plant to hold in his potty, think to a rod (as pictured above) of a color that is similar to that of the pot, so it is not too visible. Do not forget to iron your plant on the front and on the back for added strength.

Fill your pot balls / earth / foam depending on the material you have chosen then place your plant. If you are afraid that it will not stand up, you can stick a piece of cardboard or a plastic rod at the back, using suitable glue or paste fixed.


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